Plenary (Members Meeting)
The Plenary is the ultimate decision-making body of the PPN. All members of the PPN are welcome to attend the Plenary. All Full Member groups have one vote per group. The Plenary facilitates: election of PPN Representatives to county policy and decision-making bodies; an update on PPN activity; dialogue on PPN strategy; and the highlighting of local issues.
2024 Mid-Year Plenary
Saturday 15th June in Festina Lente, Bray (check out the photo slideshow below from this Gathering)
2024 marks the 10th Anniversary of Wicklow PPN and it was fitting to celebrate this important milestone with the Network’s member groups in the beautiful setting of Festina Lente.
Members gathered in the walled garden for tea/coffee and networking before moving to the Chalet where they heard about, discussed and ratified the PPN’s policy developments, work & finance reports and plan for the remainder of 2024. Â
This was followed by the launch of the PPN’s first Strategic Plan which covers the period 2024 -2029. The Plan aims to support the PPN to function as well as it can, becoming increasing effective and efficient in fulfilling the Purpose of the PPN and in promoting progress towards the Members Vision for Community Wellbeing.Â
The meeting ended with a celebration of the PPN’s 10th Anniversary. A brief presentation highlighted the growth and development of Wicklow PPN over the 10 years. Messages of congratulations from members of the 1st Secretariat and other Stakeholders were shared with the gathering. Mai Quaid one of the founding members of Wicklow PPN, Cllr Aoife Flynn Kennedy and Michael Nicholson, Director of Services with Wicklow County Council shared their reflections, hopes and good wishes with the Gathering.Â
Jill Carey from Festina Lente told the Gathering about the Organisation before leading a tour of the gardens and equine centre. Â
And, in the best tradition of the Network the session finished with a light lunch and more networking.
- 2024 Mid-Year Plenary Minutes
- PPN Presentation (Work & Finance Report to mid 2024)
- PPN Strategic Plan 2024-2029 Launch Presentation
- PPN Strategic Plan 2024-2029
- 10th Anniversary Presentation
- Link to Video Messages from some Members of our First Secrecariat
- Link to Video Messages from some PPN Stakeholders
- 10 years of Wicklow PPN in photos
- Value of Wicklow PPN Volunteers 10th Year Anniversary Infographic
2023 End of Year Plenary
Saturday 25th November at 10am in Arklow
The Gathering commenced with a round of introductions. This was followed by a presentation on the work and finances of the PPN during 2023. New Member Groups & Representatives were ratified and welcomed and the PPN financial report was approved. Â
The meeting received a presentation on the draft Wicklow PPN Strategic Plan 2024 -2029. The Plan was approved and will now inform the direction and workplans of Wicklow PPN.
In addition to the PPN updates the meeting heard about the following funding:
- The New Leader Rural Development Programme. Alison Keogh, Rural Development Officer, County Wicklow Partnership gave a presentation on this funding which is expected to open in early 2024.
- The Community Climate Action Fund. Julie Sammiller the Community Climate Action Officer with Wicklow County Council presented an update on the Community Climate Action Fund Programme which will open on Wednesday 6th December 2023 for a 12 week period.Â
This session on funding provided attendees with a great opportunity to gain insights into these funding streams and to get started on exploring and developing possible applications to the Programmes.
In best Wicklow PPN tradition, we closed the Gathering with a light lunch and a bit of very early Christmas craic!
- 2023 End of Year Plenary Minutes
- PPN Welcome & Plenary Governance Presentation
- PPN Presentation (Work & Finance Update to end of Oct 2023)
- PPN Strategic Plan 2024-2029 Presentation
- PPN Strategic Plan 2024-2029
- Leader Fund Presentation
- Community Climate Action Fund Presentation
- What we Heard from you re Training Needs & Issues
2023 Mid Year Plenary
Saturday 24th June at 10am in Blessington
Like a traditional AGM the initial section of the gathering was devoted to updating members about the work and finances of the PPN as well as providing them with an opportunity to steer our work for the rest of the year and ratify new PPN members, representatives and changes to policies.Â
We were also joined by the New Community Climate Action Officer in Wicklow County Council who made a presentation to the Gathering about the New Community Climate Action Fund that will open for applications shortly.Â
A morning full of discussion, networking and information sharing all capped off with lunch and for some an amazing guided walk on the Greenway to Burgage Castle.
2022 End Year Plenary: Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency
Tuesday 6th December at 8pm
The decision was made to go online for our End of Year Plenary, as December could bring any weather to Wicklow!.Â
Those in attendance received a presentation on the work and finances of Co. Wicklow PPN. New PPN Members, New PPN Representatives and a number of Policies were ratified by the Plenary. Â
The remainder of the meeting was devoted to hearing about:Â
- How You & Your Group Can Be More Energy Efficient from our guest speaker Simon Whelan, MSc MEI Chartered Energy Master & Sustainable EnergyCommittee Mentor for WicklowÂ
- We also got a brief update on Wicklow County Council’s plans for the Climate Action Plan in 2023 and the Climate Action Fund for Communities in 2023 from Jim Callery, Environmental Awareness Officer Wicklow County Council.
And in best Co. Wicklow PPN tradition, we finished the evening with our annual Christmas fun quiz.Â
Document Downloads
2022 Mid-Year Plenary: Celebrating Diversity in our Community
Co. Wicklow PPN’s first in person Plenary since 2019. The Plenary was held in CEART, Wicklow Town on Saturday 25th June from 10am to 1pm. Â
Those in attendance received a presentation on the work and finances of Co. Wicklow PPN. New PPN Members, New PPN Representatives and a revised PPN Constitution and Financial Report were ratified by the Plenary. Â
The PPN worked with a number of its member groups: Wicklow Travellers Group and its Social Enterprise – Shuttleknit , Tres Brazilian Culture Club and the Africa Irish Society of Wicklow to use the occasion to focus on and celebrate diversity of our community in Co. Wicklow. Â
Working with Street Feast the PPN created a party atmosphere and there was plenty of time for members to catch up and network.
2021 December Plenary: Connecting Communities
The initial section of the 2021 End of Year Members’ Meeting (Plenary) was devoted to updating member groups about the work and finances of the PPN as well as providing them with an opportunity to steer the work of the PPN for 2022 and ratify new PPN Representatives and Policies.
The remainder of the meeting provided an opportunity for our members to connect in a relaxed and easy way with others active in Community in Co. Wicklow. Small breakout rooms gave people the chance to share, catch up and chat.
There was some entertainment from three Member groups and the annual Christmas fun quiz and draw. The evening finished with a selfcare guided imagery piece.
Document Downloads
To access the 2021 Work Report, Finance Report and Infographic visit the Finance & Governance page of our website.
2021 June Plenary
The initial section of the PPN 2021 Mid-Year Plenary was devoted to updating you about our work and finances as well as providing you with an opportunity to steer our work for the rest of the year.
The reminder of the evening focused on gathering your input for a submission on the National Action Plan Against Racism for Ireland. We heard from:Â
- Wicklow/Bray Travellers Group Â
- Africa Irish Society of Wicklow Â
- Grand Hotel/Rathmore Direct Provision CentresÂ
The presentations were followed by focus group discussions based around the following themes:
- Access to Justice
- All forms of media and communications, including new technologies
- Employment, education, health & accommodation
- Inclusion & Participation
Document Downloads
Africa Irish Society of Wicklow Video to mark Africa Day 2021. To view click HERE.
2020 December Plenary
Due to COVID-19 restrictions this Plenary was held via Zoom. The PPN reported on the work undertaken during 2020, this included a Financial Report, and they outlined its Workplan for 2021. Outgoing PPN Representatives were thanked for their time and commitment during their term and new PPN Representatives were warmly welcomed. The New PPN Website was launched and the opening sequence for a short animation on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) was shared with PPN Members.
The meeting also included a feature on ‘How the Arts Contributed to Our Wellbeing During COVID-19’. Members were treated to and informed about some local artistic creations and projects, including visual arts, poetry, drama, and music.
The meeting ended with the annual fun festive quiz.
Document Downloads
2019 December Plenary
At the 2019 December Plenary PPN member groups got an update from the PPN on workplan and finances and there was a presentation and consultation held on the County Development Plan Review. The PPN’s submission on the County Development Plan was based on this consultation.
2019 June Plenary
This Plenary was themed on – Letâs Tell Our Stories & Preserve Our Heritage: Groups got to hear from the Heritage Office of Wicklow County Council and the National Museum of Ireland about existing and upcoming opportunities for communities to record, preserve and share their local heritage. The meeting also heard about the work and plans of the PPN.
2018 December Plenary
At the December 2018 plenary, PPN elections for Representative positions were held. The PPN gave a presentation on its work, finances, plans and the development of a Vision for Community Wellbeing for the County. In addition, the meeting also received a presentation from Donal O’Keeffe from Wicklow County Council on Co Wicklow’s Digital Strategy.
Document Downloads / Links
2018 June Plenary
In addition to the PPN presentation on its work, finances and plans the meeting also received a presentation from Christine Flood from Wicklow County Council informed those present about the various town teams that have been set up around the county and what projects they have undertaken.
Document Downloads