Training & Support

Upcoming Training/Information Events

Information/Training Sessions at our Upcoming Connecting Communities Roadshows

Book to attend the Information /Training Sessions: All are welcome to book for these sessions. 

The time of delivery will vary slightly across the Roadshows.  The sessions which will be available across all Roadshows are as follows:

*  Bystander Training (delivered by Wicklow Volunteer Centre)

*  Sustainability & Climate Action – What can I do?  (delivered by Emma Doyle, KWETB)  

The following additional sessions will be available at the Wicklow MD event on the 14th October to mark the ocassion of both Social Inclusion Week and Climate Action Week

*  Update from the Climate Action Team of Wicklow County Council

*  Wellness and relaxation session (delivered by Glencree Welcomes Refugees)

Click HERE to find out more and reserve spaces at the information/training sessions at your local Roadshow.


Previous Training Events - Resources

Sustainable Development Goals

Every Action we take to improve our Community has a Global Impact

Your group might be doing more than you think – chances are your group is already a Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) champion.

Have a look at the short video below which highlights how the work of a number of the Wicklow PPN member groups are working locally towards the achievement of the Global SDGs

More Local Actions in Co. Wicklow helping to deliver on the SDGs

 Fill the Wheel & Map the Goals

 In 2022 Wicklow PPN and Wicklow County Council collaborated on a project which sought to Map the actions of all sectors of our society to the Sustainable Development Goals.  

As part of this project we collected a number of case studies which sought to illustrate how local actions are delivering on the global goals.   We have included links to the case studies below by way of sharing ideas and to acknowledge the contributions already made by some groups/organisations in Co Wicklow to delivering on the SDGs.   

We encourage you to upload details of your groups actions to the Wicklow SDG Mapping Tool

Ireland & the SDGs – What are we doing and How are we doing?

Check out Ireland’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Data Hub

The SDG Data Hub is a platform for reporting on progress towards the goals and sharing information on related initiatives. Ireland’s progress against each goal is measured using a set of United Nations (UN) global and European Union (EU) agreed targets and indicators.

From the home page of the Data Hub, you can access information on specific goals, view videos and sign up to receive updates.

Voter Registration & Voting Guide

Easy Read Guide

Mark sure you are registered to vote.  

Click HERE to access the Website.

For more information on these Funding Schemes visit our Funding & Events Calendar webpage.

Wicklow County Council Administered Funding Streams Information Session

Attendees at this session heard about the following Funding Streams which are administered by Wicklow County Council:

  • Estate Development Funding Scheme 2024
  • Club Development Grant Scheme 2024
  • Local Enhancement Programme 2024
  • Local Enhancement Programme 2024 (Women’s Groups)
  • Community Awards Scheme 2024

This information session was delivered by Wicklow County Council Staff

Dealing with Financial Institutions as a Nonprofit Organisation

Committee members, Staff, Trustees, and Volunteers in the non-profit sector are required to operate accounts in Financial Institutions such as banks and credit unions on behalf of their organisation. This is a formal and legal responsibility; this session will explain the laws and processes relating to this.

This training was delivered by Marian Barnard, Carmichael 

Group Governance Q&A Session

This Session provided an opportunity to put your Group’s questions on all things Governance to a specialist and hear from other groups on this topic.

This training was delivered by Senan Turnbull, Carmichael 

Let's Develop Group Teamwork & Leadership

Delivered over two sessions this training sought to  create an understanding of: 

  • The changing context in which not-for-profit organisations operate
  • Committee members – Roles and Responsibilities
  • The role and importance of effective communications
  • Succession planning for committees

This training was delivered by Senan Turnbull, Carmichael 

Let's Get Going on Group Governance

We understand that many of our member groups are purely voluntary with no management staff to help the committee with its work

We know that various stakeholders are expecting groups to demonstrate that they are well run and accountable for their decision making and actions

We know that groups want to be seen to meet these expectations

We know that good governance, including financial practices and clear policies and procedures can protect committee members and support groups to develop and be resilient

With all of the above in mind this participative session aimed of assist groups to develop their operational systems and structures so they can achieve their organisation’s purposes and demonstrate good governance practices.

This session was delivered by Senan Turnbull, Carmichael 

Let's Examine Conflict Management

This session, delivered by Fiona Callan, Carmichael examined:

Understanding Conflict: What is Conflict, Why does it exist, Who does it impact on, How this affects the wider living/working space.

Preventing Conflict: Organisation values, culture, structure and governance, Personal values and Flashpoints

Managing Conflict: Informal and formal strategies, Personal responsibility, Conflict styles and when and how to use them, Resistance to change, Focus and Good governance

Sustaining change: Roles and responsibilities, Good governance, Self-management and Personal well-being for impactful outcomes

Insurance for Community Groups

Martina Westphal of BHP Insurance gave a short very informative presentation to our members on this topic.  The reminder of the evening was given over to a Q&A session which provided attendees with an opportunity to raise their concerns and issues in relation to Insurance cover for their groups. 

We will share a summary of the Q&A here in the coming days. 

Risk Management

This session, delivered by Carmichael, aimed to enable participants to develop a good understanding of Risk Management within an organisation/group and the tools which can be employed to minimise risk.  It also showed how the roles of Committees/Boards is vital for effective risk management and how risk management makes for very effective Committees/Boards.

Topics covered included:

• Understand Risk

• Understand Risk Categories

• Understand Risk Management and Know Why It Is Important

• Understand What Makes A Good Risk Management System

• Drafting your own Risk Management Strategy


Meet the Funders

The aim of the Meet the Funders sessions is to help support your group to access funding and gain useful tips when considering the; what, when and how of funding your group’s activities.

For this first Meet the Funders session on the 6th April we were joined by:

  • Deirdre Whitfield from Wicklow County Council about the many funding schemes that are available through the County Council 
  • Alison Keogh from Co. Wicklow Partnership spoke about the LEADER funding scheme.

At the second Meet the Funders session on Wednesday 13th April we were joined by:

  • The Community Foundation for Ireland
  • South East Fisheries Local Action Group (FLAG)
  • Arklow Wind Farm Sponsorship Fund
  • Raheenleagh Wind Farm Community Fund
  • Eirgrid (No fund currently in Wicklow, but gave insights into making a successful funding application)

Looking After Your Group's Money

Making sure your group takes good care of its money is the responsibility of your whole committee, or, if you are a very small group, your whole group. During this session people learned about: Financial Management, Income and Expenditure and Financial Reporting.

This session was delivered by Andrea Shupinski, Carmichael.

Sourcing Funding For Your Group

This Free online session sought to share information about Funding and Fundraising with participants which will help to secure funding for their group. The session

This session was delivered by Liam Scollan, Carmichael.

Promoting & Marketing Your Group

This Free online session sought to support people to spread the word about the work your group is doing and in so doing help to ensure the success of the group.

During the session participants found out about the opportunities available to market and promote your group, including the use of digital media.

The session will be delivered by Sorcha MacMahon, Alice PR/Carmichael.

Ready & Able to Reopen 2021

Please Note: this training does not reflect the requirements of the revised COVID-19 guidelines issued by the Government on the 19th October 2021.   To access the latest National Guidelines, click HERE.

This online session delivered by Liam Scollan, Carmichael on Thursday 23rd September, provided practical guidance by which not-for-profit organisations can structure their return to operations.

The information provided aims to help smaller organisations to judge the level of protocols that may be needed in their own particular situations. For larger bodies it deals with new policies such as homeworking, right to disconnect, cyber security and decisions in the work place around testing and vaccination.

Finding Your Way Around Local Government

To support community groups and individuals to understand the local government landscape Co Wicklow PPN organised three workshops that looked at the structures of local government, its committees, the policy areas it covers, the work it undertakes, the roles of its various stakeholders, the budgetary process and how to make effective submissions. 


Social Justice Ireland provided an overview for each session and a Representative of Wicklow County Council spoke about the specifics within Co. Wicklow local government.  


During the third session in this series of training Social Justice Ireland spoke about Participatory Budgeting.   Participatory Budgeting has been defined as a process which ‘engages people in taking decisions on the spending priorities for a defined public budget in their local area.  This means engaging residents and community groups to discuss spending priorities, make spending proposals, and vote on them, as well as giving local people a role in the scrutiny and monitoring of the process’ (Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG), 2008, p. 8).

 To find out more about Participatory Budgeting click HERE to access the IPA Report on Participatory Budgeting. 

Group Good Governance

This training aimed to assist groups to develop their operational systems and structures so they can achieve their organisation’s purposes and demonstrate good governance practices.   

The training was provided over four online sessions which covered the following:

Session 1: Overview of the context in which not-for-profit groups now operate and what is expected of them in terms of accountability, transparency, efficiency and effectiveness.  The session also considered the Charities Regulator’s Code Principles 1 & 2

Session 2: Considered the Charities Regulator’s Code Principles 3 & 4

Session 3: Considered the Charities Regulator’s Code Principles 5 & 6

Session 4: Reviewed the whole process and recapped on the most challenging aspects of developing the documentation necessary to demonstrate that any organisation has the necessary approach to good governance.



Making the Sustainable Development Goals more visible in Wicklow

This workshop was a collaboration between: Development Perspective (Saolta), Co Wicklow PPN and Wicklow County Council. 

The workshop covered the following:

  • Introduction to the SDGs 
  • Identifying how we highlight the SDGs in our work in Co. Wicklow and label it with the relevant goal.
  • Hear about the new Wicklow mapping of SDGs
  • Access Free community development resources

Access and input your groups actions to the SDG Mapping Tool for Co. Wicklow

What are the SDGs and what can I do to help achieve them?


Ready & Able Post COVID-19

Co Wicklow PPN organised two sessions to support groups, clubs and community centres to safely provide their services to the people they support and work with.

The online session provided attendees with a thorough understanding of the protocols and best practice for returning safely to operations. Participants were guided through a workbook which contains the key steps and templates they need to re-open and which also generates the key documentation they need.

Peer Support for Community Centres & Halls session held in The Brockagh Centre focused on sharing experiences and providing peer support.  In addition, Deirdre Whitfield from the community section of Wicklow County Council provided information on funding streams available to support these groups in the current climate.


New Options for Funding Your Community Group

This course was delivered for Co. Wicklow PPN by Liam Scollan of the Carmichael Centre over two sessions – Tuesday 22nd & 29th September 2020. This course aimed to support all community groups challenged with loss of any type of income from traditional sources as a result of Covid-19.

Super Charge Your Self Care Programme

During 2020, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and bearing in mind the shared Vision for Community Wellbeing developed with communities throughout the County, which highlighted the wish that people be connected and enjoy a good level of social and community support Co. Wicklow PPN decided to develop a resource to help support the wellbeing of individuals and communities. We teamed up Avril Bailey to develop this Super Charge Your Selfcare Programme.

This programme was initially delivered as online training. It has now been developed into a series of six short videos.

View the Six Videos on YouTube

For more information and resources check out:

Wicklow County Council Keep Well

Healthy Ireland Keep Well

HSE – Mental Health Supports

HSE – Mind Your Wellbeing

Training Fair - 2019

In 2018  Co Wicklow PPN held its first training fair.  It was so beneficial to community groups and volunteers that they asked if Co Wicklow PPN would make it an annual event.  Building on the success of the 2018,  the 2019 

Training Fair took place on Saturday 21 September in The Brockagh Centre, Laragh.  Workshops provided included: Funding your group; Getting the most out of Social Media; Charitable Status & the Governance Code; Running effective meetings; Mental health & wellbeing in the community; GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation); Good governance – where to start; Health & Safety for your group; and Attracting Volunteers.  The spotlight on a PPN member group will showcase Laragh/Glendalough Tidy Towns and their work as a tidy towns committee, setting up a sustainable energy community and establishing a community garden.  A visit to the community garden will be included.  There will be lots of information stands from organisations that support community groups and lunch will be provided with contributions from local community cafés.

Training Fair - 2018

At the request of member groups, County Wicklow PPN organised a Free Training Fair to support community & voluntary groups to do their work.  The event was held on Saturday 8th September in The Brockagh Centre, Laragh.  Workshops ran throughout the day on topics including: Charities Regulation, How To Manage Your Volunteers, Social & Digital Media, GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), Safeguarding Children in Sport, Planning for Success, Governance Code, Garda Vetting and more. 

Along with the workshops there were information stands from organisations that support and fund community groups including.  Our wonderful local community cafés were on hand to share their experiences of setting up these great initiatives while also providing refreshments.