National PPN Conference 2023
Wicklow Public Participation Network (PPN) and Wicklow County Council hosted the 5th National Public Participation Network Conference in the Arklow Bay Hotel on Thursday 5th and Friday 6th October. The conference was attended by over 200 delegates representing community & voluntary, social inclusion and environmental groups throughout the country as well as local authority officials, elected representatives and others who support the work of PPNs.
The theme of this yearâs conference was Participation in Action. The Conference programme included presentations and workshops that showcased a wide and diverse selection of structures, processes, community work & policy development from across the PPN spectrum.
Welcoming delegates to the Conference, Wicklow Cathaoirleach, Aoife Flynn Kennedy said, âThe establishment of PPNs in 2014 through the Local Government Reform Act has brought communities closer to local governmentâ.
Wicklow Chief Executive, Emer Oâ Gorman said âWe were delighted to support and host this yearâs Conference in Wicklow with Wicklow PPN. The National PPN Conference is a great opportunity to showcase the collaborative work between PPNs and local governmentâ.Â
In his address to the Conference Minister of State with responsibility for Community Development and Charities, Joe O’Brien T.D. acknowledged both the role that PPNs play and the Department’s support for them.
“PPNs give communities access to decision makers in a very unique way. They provide a voice for communities in local decision-making and create strong relationships between stakeholders. PPNs also deliver ongoing communication, engagement and information-sharing”.Â
“From my own perspective and that of my Department, one clear message I would like you all to take away from this conference is that we will continue our support of PPNs into the future. I believe that my Department has a record of demonstrating that we are fully supportive of PPNs and we will continue that support in the years to come”.Â
Presentations & Notes from the Conference
Please note: links to these documents are also available through the Conference Report above