Co. Wicklow Environmental Network
Through our Environmental Network Co Wicklow PPN brings together groups with an interest in this topic to; discuss developments, share experience and views, and input to environmental policy within the County through; the PPN Environmental Representatives on a number of the County policy and decision making committees and through submissions. Where possible input is also made to National discussions and policy, primarily through submissions.
PPN Members Meet the Wicklow County Council Climate Team
Saturday 23rd March 2024
On Saturday 23rd March Wicklow Public Participation Network (PPN) welcomed member groups from across the county to An Tairseach Organic Farm & Ecology Centre to meet the Wicklow County Council Climate Action Team.
The members of the Climate Action Team present on the day included Mark Costello, Climate Action Coordinator, Jim Callery, Climate Action Officer, Julie Sammiller, Community Climate Action Officer, and Sarah Rubalcava, Environmental Awareness Officer. Each individual team member described their role and participants were given an insight to their areas of expertise and their current and future work.
Jim Callery presented the new Climate Action Plan outlining work programmes under the five core themes of the plan.
Julie updated participants on the Community Climate Action Fund, thanking all the community groups that submitted applications. She informed the meeting that a process of screening and evaluation of project applications has commenced within the local authority and this process is expected to conclude in early May. Following the evaluation in Wicklow, a list of recommended projects will be forwarded to the Department of Communications, Climate Action & Environment for departmental consideration. It is expected that applicants which have been deemed successful will be notified by late summer/ early autumn.
Mark advised those present of the new Biodiversity Officer, Hannah O’ Kelly, who unfortunately could not attend on the day, and provided information about her work.
Participants also got to meet Breege Kilkenny, Director of Services and Marc Devereux, Senior Engineer for Climate, Environment, Recreation and Amenity.
A question and answer session highlighted the need to increase communication on Climate Change and Climate Action in the county and demonstrated a commitment by all to deepen our engagement on Climate Action, utilising all resources available to build a better future for the county. Participants had an opportunity to chat with members of the team informally during a guided tour of An Tairseach’s farm and shop and over lunch. All were very impressed with An Tairseach’s production of a diverse range of organic produce and the facilities in the Ecology Centre.
Grainne Quinn from Wicklow PPN said “It was wonderful to meet so many people and learn about the amazing work that community groups are doing to try to mitigate against climate change and biodiversity loss. The information sharing and interaction between the community groups and the local authority staff was very encouraging, and we hope the networking and peer support between the groups continues. Wicklow PPN will continue to facilitate these connections going forward”.
Breege Kilkenny, Director of Services, Wicklow County Council said “Climate Change and Biodiversity loss affects everyone, and we need a diverse response to its challenges, developed in collaboration with communities. This will allow us work together to deliver on the opportunities for a decarbonised future, that maintains well-being for all in the county, while restoring the capacity of our natural systems to respond to changes in our climate. The community engagement in developing the Climate Action Plan was very encouraging and we are grateful to Wicklow PPN for helping us to keep these lines of communication and connection open. We look forward to continuing this engagement and working with community groups to implement the actions in our Plans and strategies.”
Issues Affecting Wicklow Rivers & Lakes - Have your Say
Monday 29th November
Organised by Local Authority Waters Programme (LAWPRO) in collaboration with Co. Wicklow PPN.
The purpose of this session was to discuss the issues affecting Wicklow rivers and lakes, and what is proposed to protect and restore them.
Local challenges facing our waters across Wicklow, raised at the session were noted by LAWPRO and will be included in their submission to the Consultation on the Draft River Basin Management Plan 2022-2027.
For more information on this Consultation and to make an online submission visit the Virtual Consultation Room.
Click HERE to access details on the Public Consultation on the draft River Basin Management Plan for Ireland 2022-2027.
Consultation open until 31st March 2022.
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National Dialogue on Climate Action: PPN Community Conversation
Monday, 22nd March 2021
Co Wicklow PPN was invited by the Dept. of Environment, Climate and Communications to collaborate with them in piloting community conversations that would feed into the next Climate Action Plan.
The online climate conversations will provide an opportunity for representatives to meet virtually to explore their hopes, concerns, and ideas for local climate action. The conversation will be part of the broader National Dialogue on Climate Action – a forum of collaboration between citizens, the government and relevant agencies on a range of climate related issues.
Click HERE to access the Climate Action Plan
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Let's Talk About Climate Change

Monday, 24 June 2019
This event, organised in collaboration with the Environmental Office of Wicklow County Council, provided an opportunity for people to hear about the Draft Wicklow County Council Climate Adaptation Plan and to develop a community submission to this Plan.

Climate Change Leadership
The Environmental Protection Agency of Ireland (EPA), as part of the National Dialogue on Climate Action, hosted a public lecture exploring climate leadership with the potential to create a low carbon, climate resilient, and inclusive world presented by Dr Edward Cameron, PhD.
Irish Environmental Network - Local Environmental Networks Gathering (Wicklow, Meath, Kildare, South County Dublin)
15 June 2019
The day began with a look at projects from Environmental Networks and other groups that can be replicated on a local level. Catherine O’Toole from the Irish Environmental Network introduced work of local networks, including the Local Environmental Networks of Meath, Kildare and Wicklow. The event also included an introduction to the Sustainable Development Goals and A Biodiversity workshop.

Let's Talk About Planning
12 January 2019
“The future is not a place we are going to but one we are creating.”
The purpose of the meeting was to increase awareness of the Eastern & Midland Regional Assembly Draft Regional Spatial & Economic Strategy (RSES) and encourage people to have their say by participating in the public consultation.
Judy Osborne’s (MSc Spatial Planning) presentation provided information about the National Planning Framework and the Regional Spatial & Economic Strategy and how it could impact on Co Wicklow. She explained what the Regional Spatial and Economic Strategy consists of the Key Principles underpinning it, the population potential for Co Wicklow and how this will factor into development.
Ian Lumley (An Taisce Advocacy Officer) spoke about applying the UN International Sustainable Development Goals at Regional and Local Level.
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Let's Talk About Working Towards a Fossil Free Wicklow
14 November 2018
The Co Wicklow PPN Environmental Network met on 14th November 2018 to discuss the impact of fossil fuels on our environment and in regard to climate change. The recent announcement to extend the N11/M11 formed part of this discussion.
CWPPN Letter to WCC Re N11/M11 Extension
Let's Talk About The Sustainable Development Goals
Co Wicklow PPN invited communities to “Let’s Talk About the Sustainable Development Goals”. The meeting introduced groups to the Sustainable Development Goals so they could find out what they are and how they relate to every-day life here in Co Wicklow. Achieving the targets set within the Sustainable Development Goals will impact positively on communities in Co Wicklow and the world in general. Without realizing it many community groups are already actively pursuing these targets by doing the great work that they do. Local government also has a part to play and all local plans, developments and decision making must now contribute towards achieving the targets. The aim of the workshop was to show communities how local, national and global objectives connect and how the things we do in our communities can make a global difference.

Information Meeting - Trans-boundary Environmental Public Consultation Hinkley Point C
10 April 2018
On Tuesday April 10th 2018, a meeting was held to discuss “How the Proposed Expansion of the United Kingdom’s Nuclear Programme Might Affect Ireland”. Attracta Uí Bhroin, of the Environmental Law Initiative at the Irish Environmental Network presented information about proposals to develop a new nuclear power plant, Hinkley Point C, only 150 miles from Ireland as well as considerations for geological storage for radioactive waste in Northern Ireland.
Discussions took place on the UK’s approach to the potential impacts on Ireland and Irelands readiness to respond to a serious nuclear incident, looking at: public health risks; impacts to agriculture; agri-foods and tourism; marine and the general environmental. From the information provided and the concerns raised from the meeting Co Wicklow PPN made a submission to Wicklow County Council, Government Ministers and The Department of Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy in the U.K.
Inaugural Meeting of the Environmental Netowrk
6 December 2017
On Wednesday 6th December 2017, Co Wicklow PPN invited any groups with an interest in the environment to attend a meeting with the aim of establishing an environmental network. The meeting included a presentation from Moira Byrne, Wicklow County Council, about Climate Change and The Draft National Adaptation Framework – Planning for a Climate Resilient Ireland 2017.
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