Tune in to Hear from the General Election 2024 Candidates

As part of our role of empowering people to influence the decisions which affect their lives, Wicklow PPN in collaboration with Wicklow Older People’s Council is holding online ‘Hear from the Candidate events for the general elections. This will allow our members to find out about the candidates running in their Dáil Constituency and to have their questions answered by them.
These events will run online using the Zoom webinar platform. This platform will ensure that the events will run in an efficient, fair, and respectful manner for all.
The Webinar for the Wicklow Dáil Constituency will be held on Tuesday 19th November from 8 – 10pm.
The Webinar for the new South Wicklow & North Wexford Dáil Consitituency will be hold on Wednesday 20th November from 8 – 10pm.
Zoom Webinar Attendee Links
Wicklow Dáil Constituency Webinar Link (Tuesday 19th Nov at 8pm):
South Wicklow North Wexford Dáil Constituency Webinar Link (Wednesday 20th Nov at 8pm):
Over the last number of weeks Wicklow PPN and Wicklow Older People’s Council have invited our members and the general public to submit questions for the General Election Candidates.
We are sharing questions received with the Candidates ahead of the sessions. Unfortunately, we won’t have time to get to all the questions in the time available on the Webinars, therefore we have grouped questions under common themes to ensure that the main themes are addressed and where possible some of the specific questions received will be put to the Candidates.
We will not be in a position to take questions during the Webinars. However, we are open to receiving your questions up to and after the Webinars (via email to info@countywicklowppn.ie) all questions will be forwarded to Candidates. This will help to ensure that Candidates are at least aware of the issues and concerns of the Wicklow PPN and Older People’s Council members.
If Candidates don’t hear about issues when canvassing, they won’t think of working on these issues if they are
We are using Zoom Webinars for these sessions. With the links provided below you will be joining as an Attendee. Please be aware while you will not be visible on the call and will be muted at all times your zoom name will be visible to the Organisers and the Candidates. You can rename yourself when entering the Webinar.
We will be recording the webinars and will share the recordings via our YouTube channel after the event.