Submission to Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage Baseline Funding Allocation Review

In May 2018, the then Minister for Housing, Planning and Local Government initiated a Local Government Funding (Baseline) Review. Following consultation with stakeholders in 2018, a funding allocation model was developed and agreed based on five key indicators; Population, Geographic, Income & Expenditure, Deprivation and National Policy Priorities.
The Department has resumed the work of the 2018 review group and have sought public input on the model that was developed and agreed at that time.
Throughout, May 2022, Co Wicklow PPN in collaboration with Wicklow County Council held consultations across the 5 Municipal Districts of Co Wicklow, asking people “What is your vision for your community?” We asked them to consider this question under the following headings:
- Environment & Sustainability
- Health (physical & mental)
- Work, Economy, & Resources
- Social & Community Development
- Participation, Democracy & Good Governance
- Values, Culture & Meaning
We received approximately 2,000 inputs (ideas/issues/suggestions) from over 300 people who represented 74 community groups & networks.
This Submission is based on what we heard during the consultations and other community conversations.