Co Wicklow PPN Submission to Ireland’s Fourth Open Government National Action Plan 2023-2025

Open Government Partnership (OGP) in Ireland recognises that the active engagement of citizens and civil society is an essential element to the co-creation of Ireland’s Open Government National Action Plan.
Every two years Ireland’s Open Government Partnership Round Table commits to the co-creation of a National Action Plan that will make the State more transparent, more accountable and inclusive.
These commitments are formulated on the basis of consultation with citizens and civil society.
The Open Government Partnership has identified the following core thematic areas/topics for inclusion in the next National Action Plan and they have invited the public and civil society, to propose relevant actions in respect of:
Transparency and Accountability in Public Office
Participative Democracy and Budgeting
Public Access to Government Data
Strengthening Public Trust in Government
The OGP asked the following questions under each theme:
What specific action do you think the government should take to make government more open, transparent and accountable in relation to the thematic area?
How would the proposed action contribute to achieving the objective and making government more open, transparent, and accountable in the thematic area?
Click HERE to read the submission.