Connecting Communities Roadshow

A collaborative-cross organisational roadshow which aim to showcase the best Wicklow has to offer in Community Services in each of the 5 Municipal Districts over the month of October. The only remaining event is:
Thursday 24th October – Arklow MD: Bridgewater Shopping Centre
Events will run from 4.30pm
Over 40 organisations and groups have booked information stands at this event.
We look forward to welcoming you to our Connecting Community Roadshows
The Roadshow will offer local communities the opportunity to engage with the Local Authority, other Agencies and local groups/organisations working in and supporting our
Communities. They will also provide an opportunity for community groups to access training, information and support.
Book to join the Information /Training Sessions that are being provided as part of the Roadshows: All are welcome to book for these sessions.
Please click HERE to book spaces for the training/information sessions at the Arklow Connecting Communities Roadshow or email : or call/text: 086 0487434
* Bystander Training (delivered by Wicklow Volunteer Centre)
This Bystander Intervention Training session provides training on how a bystander can support targets of discrimination and harassment and help prevent future incidents. It explores effective approaches for bystander intervention, empowering the participants to feel confident and understand how to intervene when they witness harassing and discriminating behaviour. The training will cover the importance of exercising good judgment in choosing how and when to respond – “am I the right person, is this the right time?”