Wicklow PPN End of Year Members’ Gathering – All Welcome

Join us for our Mid-Year Members’ Gathering (Plenary/AGM)on Saturday 25th November in The Presbyterian Church Hall, Arklow (Y14 KX31) from 10am to 1pm.
Like a traditional AGM the initial section of the gathering will be devoted to updating you about the work and finances of the PPN as well as providing you with an opportunity to steer our work for 2024 and ratify new PPN members, representatives and our Strategic Plan. Click on the link below to access the plenary documents.
Following the PPN Presentation & Discussion we will hear about the following funding schemes:
Leader Funding – Alison Keogh, Rural Development Officer, County Wicklow Partnership. Alison will tell us about the New Leader Rural Development Programme.
Since the Leader Programme was introduced in 1992 in excess of €20 million has been invested in 754 projects. The projects supported have ranged in size from small projects worth €2,000 to large flagship projects requiring funding of up to €500,000 in a diverse range of sectors but primarily in the areas of farm diversification, enterprise, rural tourism, heritage, town and village renewal, community facilities and amenities, renewable energy and environmental projects.
The Local Development Strategy for Wicklow 2023-2027 was approved by the Department of Rural and Community Development on the 7th of November. CWP expects the new programme will officially open in early 2024.
Community Climate Action Fund – Julie Sammiller the Community Climate Action Officer with Wicklow County Council will give us an important brief update on the Community Climate Action Fund Programme.
In light of recent developments on this funding it is now expected that the fund will officially open for applications in the coming weeks.
The Community Climate Action Fund is a new programme which aims to support and empower communities to take climate action at a local level.
As it’s our End of Year Gathering, we will end the session with our Annual Christmas Fun Quiz and a lunch.
Click HERE to access the documents for this session.