Community Climate Conversation Online

Online Wednesday 29th June
from 7.30 to 9.30pm
The Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications has extended an invitation to all PPNs to participate in the 2022 Climate Conversations.
In 2021 Co. Wicklow PPN participated in the pilot Climate Conversations and the insights gained from those sessions directly informed the Climate Action Plan 2021.
We will organise a 1.5/2 hour long session for up to 20 people, focusing on how we can get the public more engaged in climate action, what the key barriers and challenges to success might be,
and what ideas and goals you have for your community.
The feedback and data generated through our upcoming engagement will feed into the Climate Action Plan 2022 and sectoral policies.
If you are interested in joining this session please, email us at: or call/text us on: 087 189 5145 or 086 0487434