County Wicklow Partnership

County Wicklow Partnership is charged with delivering a range of national programmes on a county wide level including the current SICAP, LEADER, Tús and a range of other initiatives. It is contracted to deliver SICAP and the LEADER on behalf of the Wicklow LCDC.

County Wicklow Partnership is overseen by a Board of Directors drawn from the community, local government and key NGO stakeholders.  Board membership includes representatives from the statutory, Local Authority, community & voluntary pillar along with the social partners.

Our PPN Representatives

Photo Coming Soon

Tommy Tutty

Tommy is a retired Lecturer in Carpentry/ Joinery Math, & Science Building Construction in Bolton Street, Technical University Dublin.

He has also worked with the Dept. of Education setting Exam Papers and representing the Dept on the World Skills Board 1977- 2007 as assistant Chief Expert in Joinery Skill.

Tommy is a key stakeholder within the community he is very involved with Hollywood Community Forum, Tidy Towns the Church Body and current Treasurer of the local G.A.A.




Photo Coming Soon


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