Rural Regeneration and Development Fund

Rural Regeneration and Development Fund

Friday, 14 Mar 2025

12:00pm – 12:00pm

Closing Date: 14th March 2025

The fourth call for Category 2 applications under the Rural Regeneration and Development Fund (RRDF) has been announced.

Project proposals under the RRDF should directly deliver on the objectives of Our Rural Future and the Town Centre First Policy.  Under this Call for Proposals, particular attention will be given to applications which have the potential to increase economic activity and support the creation of employment, help to revitalise our rural towns and villages, drive greater footfall and address vacancy and dereliction. Such proposals will assist in attracting people back to live in rural areas.

‘Category 2’ RRDF projects are intended to provide funding to allow Project Leads undertake and complete the initial planning, design and technical works required to of any large scale project.  This sees potential, large scale, projects developed to a stage allowing for greater certainty regarding scope, cost and delivery timelines to support for further funding under a ‘Category 1’ RRDF application.

RRDF Applications to the Fund must be led by a State-funded body – Local Authorities, Local Development Companies, State agencies, commercial State bodies, etc. Collaboration between parties, including with local communities, is strongly encouraged.

For more details click HERE.

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All Funding

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