Wicklow Disability Access & Inclusion Toolkit for Community Groups Launched
We were proud, as part of the Wicklow Disability & Inclusion Committee, to launch the Wicklow Disability Access and Inclusion Toolkit for Community Groups on Friday 2nd December in the Arklow Bay Hotel.
The toolkit offers practical advice for groups and clubs to help them make their facilities and meeting spaces as accessible as possible. It also provides tips for groups in relation to making their communications accessible. Information is also provided on how to plan for inclusiveness in the operations of the group, including the management of the group, and in planning for activities, events and outings.
If you would like support to implement the advice given in this toolkit, please contact:
disability@wicklowcoco.ie (the Disability and Inclusion Steering Committee facilitator)
wicklowlsp@wicklowcoco.ie (Wicklow Local Sports Partnership) or
ourselves in the PPN on: info@countywicklowppn.ie
Please spread the word of this new resource and encourage groups to consider how they can be as accessible & inclusive as possible