Wicklow Heritage Forum

The Heritage Forum is made up of council, community, non-government organisations and state sector representatives and oversees and monitors the preparation and implementation of the five year county Heritage Plan. The forum meets on a quarterly basis during the day (usually 10am to 12pm) at different venues around the county but normally at least 2 meetings are held in the Wicklow Town area.


Our PPN Representatives

Ann Lyons

Ann Lyons

Ann has been a member of the Ashford Community Group for many years and is currently their treasurer. She is a founding member of Killoughter Historical Graveyard Restoration Project. The main task of this project is restoring the old Killoughter Graveyard in order to make it accessible for members of the public and those doing historical research.

John Goodman

 John is a committee member of the Wicklow Historical Society and is also a member of the Heritage and Public Realm group of the Wicklow Town Team.  As Chair of the Wicklow Regatta Festival he has strived to include more heritage events in the festival.  He is also a nationally respected expert on WW1 and Ireland’s role in it.


Latest Representative Reports