Ring A Link - Carlow, Kilkenny, South Tipperary & Wicklow Rural Transport Ltd.

Ring a Link is a non-profit making, charitable organisation funded by the Department of Transport, offering affordable and convenient transport for rural dwellers of Counties Carlow, Kilkenny, South Tipperary and Wicklow. It connects rural communities and links them to recreation, retail and social services as well as mainline bus and rail services. Ring a Link services are demand responsive and door to door, running form Monday to Saturday depending on area.



Our PPN Representative

Photo Coming Soon

Anne Kavanagh

Anne has worked in the Community Development field for over 20 years as holds a BSc in Rural Development.   Anne’s previous roles in Wicklow and Wexford include: Social Economy Development Officer,  Manager at Carnew Enterprise Centre,  Co. Wicklow Partnership, Co. Wicklow Older Persons Network Development Officers, Healthy Food and Tobacco Cessation co-ordinator.  Anne is currently manager of Carnew Community Care CLG in south Co. Wicklow.   Anne’s experience has highlighted to her  the need for transport in rural areas to enable social inclusion and participation.  

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