Co Wicklow Volunteer Centre
County Wicklow Volunteer Centre in an independent organisation committed to developing volunteering in Wicklow and its natural environs. It has a board made up of a mix of community and statutory representatives.
The main objectives of County Wicklow Volunteer Centre are:
- promoting, supporting and encouraging organisations whose activities involve volunteers, particularly in their local areas and communities.
- promoting volunteering and helping to source and place volunteers in a wide range of voluntary and community organisations.
- promoting goo practice in all things volunteering through the provision of training support and information.
Our PPN Representative

Martina Cronin
PPN Representative to the Co Wicklow Volunteer Centre
Martina has been supporting and managing volunteers for over 20 years in her capacity as development manager for Citizens Information Centers (CICs) in Co. Wicklow.   During this time Martina has developed extensive knowledge in working closely with and developing volunteers who joined the CIC. Central to the CIC model of good practice is their Volunteer Handbook (policies and procedures such as code of conduct, conflict of interest, training, role description, recruitment etc) and Martina played a key role in the development of this resource. The Handbook ensures CIC volunteers are aware of all aspects of the role as well as the organisational culture, structure and ethos which ultimately aids retention.Â
CIC liaise with the Volunteer Center when recruiting volunteers and they work very well together in securing volunteers who are suited to the CIC advertised roles as evidenced by their high retention level.
 Martina has excellent experience of working with committees and understands how these operate and the required conduct from members.
Martina has been a member of the PPN since 2014 and ably represented it on the Local Community and Development Committee for two years. Â
She understands the role of volunteer centers, inter alia, is to foster and strengthen volunteering in Ireland and to develop structures which will strengthen volunteering from the grassroots upwards. Â Martina is very interested in the future of volunteering and recognises the benefits and challenges ahead.
Latest Representative Reports
- Coming Soon