Co. Wicklow PPN Plenary (End of Year Members’ Meeting)

Plenary meeting will be held online on Tuesday 6th December from 8pm to 9.30pm
We look forward to seeing as many of our member groups as possible at our last members’ meeting in 2022.
The initial section of the meeting will be devoted to updating our members about our work and finances as well as providing you with an opportunity to steer our work for the rest of the year and ratify new PPN Representatives and Policies. Click HERE to access the documents (see full list of documents at bottom of email) for our Plenary we would encourage people to review the documents ahead of the meeting.
For the remainder of the meeting, we will focus on:
How You & Your Group Can Be More Energy Efficient
Simon Whelan, Sustainable Energy Committee Mentor for Wicklow and Jim Callery, Environmental Awareness Officer Wicklow County Council will be our guest speakers on this topic.
As it’s December we’ll finish with our Annual Christmas Fun Quiz. Have the Santa hat to hand!
To book your place and find out more about this meeting click HERE